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  1. About a month before your test have your eyesight checked; you need to be able to read a number plate from about 20m away.
  2. On the day of your test bring with you your Driving Licence, Theory Test Pass certificate and your appointment letter, if you have it. Also remember your glasses if you need them.
  3. Some people like to have lesson before the test as this helps to get you focused. However, this may not suit you; if you tire easily or have difficulty keeping concentration you might be better to go straight to the test centre.
  4. Get to the test centre in good time, so you won’t feel rushed or flustered. Feel free to bring a bottle of water with you to keep in the car. When the examiner has done the paper work he/she will ask if you want your instructor or accompanying driver to go with you on the test.
  5. Before you start the examiner will ask you two ‘show me, tell me’ questions about the car. One question will involve showing the examiner how to do something e.g. check your indicators are working. The other will be to tell him how to do something e.g. check tyre pressure. If you get one or both questions wrong, you will get one minor driving fault.
  6. The test lasts 40-45 minutes. Make sure you concentrate on everything that’s going on around you and drive with confidence. Try not to mark yourself. If you think you’ve made a mistake, stay calm and carry on driving. If the examiner asks you to do something you don’t understand, don’t be afraid to ask.
  7. You will be asked to perform an emergency stop and one reversing manoeuvre. On your manoeuvre go slowly and remember good observation is very important.
  8. You will be asked to do about 10 minutes of independent driving, the examiner will give you about 3 directions at once and you will then have to follow them or he/she may tell you to follow road signs to a particular place. This is to make sure you can safely navigate while you drive and make decisions on your own.
  9. If you stall the car, don’t panic! Stay confident, follow your procedure to restart the engine, and move of safely.
  10. To pass your test you can make up to 15 minor driving errors but no serious or dangerous faults (no majors).

Provided by Ann McKiver, Approved Driving Instructor.

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