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Statistics Show 80% of Motoring Offences are Committed by Men.

Recent policing data analysed by shows four times more men than women are committing motoring offences in Northern Ireland.

PSNI Statistics show that males accounted for 83% of all motoring offences committed in Northern Ireland.

The highest number of offences committed by men were for driving without insurance – while the highest number of offences committed by women were for speeding.

Male versus female drivers per region followed the same trend with male drivers committing more offences than females in every policing district across Northern Ireland.

The highest number of offences overall were insurance offences, with a total of 7,298 detections, accounting for 18% of the total motoring offences.

Speeding offences were the next biggest and accounted for 5,551 of all offences during this period. In 2023, there were 39,789 detections for motoring offences in Northern Ireland, a decrease of 3,347 (8%) since the previous year.

Commenting on the latest figures, Ian Wilson, Managing Director of said: “It’s great to see the number of overall road offences in Northern Ireland is continuing to decrease.  I am surprised there’s such a difference in the volume of offences between male and female drivers, especially when it comes to insurance offences with 81% of the offences committed by men.

“Insurance offences are now the most committed motoring offence across the country, increasing by 6% in the last 12 months.

“Those caught driving without adequate insurance can face six penalty points, disqualification of driving and a fine of up to £200. Three points on a licence can mean 5% more on an insurance premium every year for the four years an infringement stays on the licence, six points can push up fees by about 25%.

“Although inflation and a rise in the volume of claims has increased car insurance premiums across the board this year on average, there are still savings to be found, drivers can compare competitive quotes using a price comparison site like ours to help make sure they get what they need at a price they can afford.” is Northern Ireland’s largest price comparison website and can help people in Northern Ireland find savings on essentials and everyday household bills such as breakdown cover, van and young drivers insurance.



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